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Whistle of a Train
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Songs of Brenda

Brenda lernte ich auf amerikanischen Foren kennen – eine bemerkenswerte Frau, Großmutter, amerikanische Wahl-Portugiesin, überzeugte Demokratin und Musikerin. Angesichts der deprimierenden Entwicklung des Sozialdarwinismus in Amerika und der verheerenden Auswirkungen von Katrina, dem Super-Tornado, der New Orleans überflutete, zitierte sie ein paar ihrer Songs aus dem Gedächtnis.

Einen davon hat sie nun vervollständigt (mit der Erlaubnis, ihn auf meinem deutschen Blog zu veröffentlichen) – weil ich sie darum gebeten hatte.


I woke up screaming in the middle of the night
It was frightening
I could see water rise
It was doubled twice its size
It came rushing

I woke up screaming in the middle of the night
Outside I could see bolts of lightning
I could see water rise
it was reaching to the skies
It came gushing

I woke up screaming in the middle of the night
I was crying
this was surely not a dream
I could hear people scream
they were dying

This wild and crazy storm
Born of nature's fury
Burst in screaming hard and fast
In a one hell of a hurry

It was though the sky had burst
This was weather at its worst
The storm was heavy
Never seen anything like it before
Dam the levee!

I could hear people shout
No one knew what it was all about
They ran asunder
I could see dead bodies float
Their bellies had begun to bloat
Then I went under

Chorus: Repeat

I could see a great star fall
I could hear angels call
trumpets blaring
The sun and moon and stars grew dim
I began to yell at Him
I was swearing

Chorus: repeat

© Brenda Stardom

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Whistle of a train

Every time I hear
the whistle of a train
something stirs up deep inside me
something I can't explain

It triggers off a memory
buried in my soul
of a perfect sunny day
atop a grassy knoll

© Brenda Stardom

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Joe Cocker With a Little Help From My Friends Lyrics

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